Wil Shipleys Explains The Need For Mac

This does mean that the barcode scanner app needs to be on the same network as the Mac it's syncing with, but it doesn't need to be on the same LAN in order to scan your library. Users can take an. Jun 10, 2013 - Whether he was explaining technical details about Apple's new Mac. Will Shipley, who once worked under Federighi at NeXT described him by saying. He's concerned with making sure we the needed things are done well.


Originally posted by hmurchison Great Job to Mike Matas, Greg Titus and Wil Shipley. Can't forget the original author Andrew K as well. This is how Mac software is supposed to look. Inviting and easy but yet powerful at the same time. I'll definitely be buying this program. Love the iSight scanning feature, that's worth the price of admission alone IMO.

I could not have said it better. It is applications like these that make using a Macintosh stand out. You just cannot get this kind of beauty on Windows, and even if someone tried it would be crippled and most likely dog slow. Originally posted by Bancho Now that really seems like an interesting application. The interface seems attractive and easy to use as well and looks at home with other iLife apps. I'll probably pick up a copy when it's available.

Wil Shipley's Explains The Need For Machine

I really like the idea of using the iSight to read the codes. Very slick indeed. I may break down and get one at some point. I'm with you. This is probably the first killer app (beyond iChat AV, but you have to have someone on the other end) that makes me want to get an iSight.

Although if it works with digicams I may just use my Rebel. Originally posted by applenut what happens if Amazon changes their database system? Or if a book isn't in their system? Seems odd to depend on a store's inventory and website for data retrieval. Or am i missing something? Well, no, you're right. But when you're a small developer, you have to take what you can get.

And a LOT of apps have made hooks into the amazon system for stuff such as this. But you take your money and you bet the pony that you think will at least place. Amazon seems like a safe bet, at least for the next few years, after which everyone will have wetware cranial insertion points for their ipods and we won't need to catalog any of this earth-bound stuff anymore (hey, imagine spotlight enhanced vision!).

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